New York holds the Cavs to 79 points

No team this year had ever been kept below 80 points: Cleveland stops at 79, and Tom Thibodeau’s Knicks obviously succeed in the feat, forcing the Cavs to a pittance of 32 points in the first half (historic low tied for the Ohio franchise in the playoffs – always the Knicks opponents even the first time). A race from other times, which New York wins by taking the lead again in the series and which will see a fundamental race-4 again at Madison Square Garden over the weekend.

Also leading the Knicks to +27 in the fourth quarter are the 21 points of Jalen Brunson and the 19 of a R.J. Barrett who finally seems to shake off the negative moment (Hart also did well at 13 from the bench with 4/5 shooting). Cleveland does not go beyond Mitchell’s 22, while Garland – author of 32 points in game 2 – is held at 4/21 shooting for 10 points with as many losses (3) as assists. Only 7/33 (21%) the balance of the three-point shot at the Cavs home.